Monday, November 12, 2012

I've decided to say Yes!

This marks my 8th week here in Portugal.  As I think I've indicated in a prior post, my job with my niece's family is to keep the house running, i.e. dishes, laundry, keeping house/yard picked up and exercising Scrubby.  In addition, I help out with the 3 kids on a daily basis w/occasional babysitting one or two of them while Wendi has an appointment w/one or two of them.  When Joni was here, we offered to take all 3 kids so that they could get away overnight alone.  Last week, Wendi had to go to Germany for an ultrasound that they don't have here (getting ready for her IVF in the states soon), so I was in charge of all 3 kids for 3 days, after John left for work...until he got home.  I said Yes, though  admittedly, I was a little intimidated.  Normally, my hours are 1-7P M-F, but for this I had to be functioning by 7A, 6:30A & 7:30A through 7P, albeit John returning from work and taking over main child duties by 5:30 or 6P. It went far better than expected.  Granted, I did not venture out and about and we lived around Abigail's morning and afternoon naps.  I prayed for good weather and it was stellar!  We played outside most of the time.  On Thursday, Wendi's friend Carla took the boys (with her 2 boys) to MOPS while I stayed w/a napping Abigail and then she came again to play in the yard w/the kids late afternoon.  Happy to see John pull find he was feeling very ill.  As compassionately as I could, I said, "ooooh John, between Wendi and Nick (the other Dr. @ his work) being out of town, you cannot be sick."  He nodded and functioned well until the kids' bedtime, but there was no cooking. On Thursday night Wendi messaged John & I, "How are things going?" and this is the conversation that ensued:
John: Seriously. I come home. Abigail is naked and sitting in the driveway, crying. Scrubs is gone. The boys are in the pool, alone. And Connie is smoking on her balcony!
Connie: shush!!!!

John: Okay, actually... Dinner was made. The Abigail was fed, and the boys were about to eat... And the fireplace was really clean. Awesome!
Connie: Seriously - John JUST got home and the real reason he's sick is because he's totally intoxicated. I took the spilling swirl out of his hand, wiped the drool from his chin and sent him to his room - hidden from his dear angelic cherubs
Oh and I had to push the little car away from the wall he smashed it into
John: With her superhuman strength? She was dressed up like a superhero today. She was running around with a broom between her legs making galloping noises at the same time. I have no explanation for it... But I am a little concerned.
Connie: It's what happens living in the Kitsteiner compound!

Friday was the longest day and although we were outside all day, I think we were all feeling a little bit of cabin fever.  As naptime came to an end, I was just thinking, "hmmmm, it's gonna be a long afternoon.", I heard the gate and there appeared Carla with a Venti, triple shot, skim latte w/one pump mocha! and said, "If you need to go to Modello's (Portuguese grocer), I will take the boys, so you can just take Abigail.  Totally serious."  I took her up on it.  Note to self, "never, EVER go to Modello's @ 4P! and always, ALWAYS remember to have 1 Euro for a grocery cart!"  By the time Abigail and I returned, walked to pick up the boys from Carla's and dropped the groceries to the house I'm pet-sitting, John greeted us, feeling back to 95% of himself!  Not that I was keeping track or anything, but it was only 2 hours before we needed to go p/u Wendi from the airport.  The jury's still out as to who was more excited for Wendi's return - John and the kids or me!  I am proud to say, the house was tidy, the dishes were kept up on, laundry was done and the children were alive and cuddley w/me as we awaited Wendi's arrival @ the airport.

Saturday was my day off and I was moved back into the house I am pet sitting, ready to relax into the quiet.  But, it was such a beautiful day, so I said Yes! when Wendi asked me to join them for a day trip, exploring the tiny island of Terceira of 155 square miles. (For comparison sake, Emmet county contains 468 square miles and is the 7th smallest in the state of Michigan.)

We first stopped at "The Christmas Caves" (Gruto do Natal) but they were closed for the winter, so we ended up driving to the highest point of the island (Santa Barbara --elevation 3,035 feet) and viewing an extinct volcano. We did this trip once before with Joni, but the weather was bad and there was no visibility. Today, it was much better! Here are some pictures from our drive up and down.

Whenever we drive somewhere I'm struck by how different it is, driving around here than in America.  In America pedestrians move off being so close to the road, here the driver moves when there are pedestrian's; never in America would I come around a curve to slow to a herd of cattle walking down the road or pass a horse horse and buggy (unless in Omish country) or have to stop to go around a vehicle just "parked" on the roadside (unless stranded), or would I see an Ostrich in someone's yard.

I left again to my little European cottage to nap and read, wandered back over to J&W's for dinner and listened to Wendi talk about her trip before I left again to the cottage.  Carla wanted to go see a movie yesterday and I said Yes!  Just as the movie was starting, or so I thought, everyone stood and the screen opened to a montage of military clips to the soundtrack of The Star Spangled Banner - then the movie started.  I asked Carla if it was because of Veteran's Day - no, it's going to the theater on a military base.

As we were driving through Angra (the only "city" on the Island), I wondered when I would be able to actually spend some time in Angra to walk around, go into shops and cafe's, really wanting to do more here.  So when Carla sent out a message asking if anyone wanted to join her for a morning of walking and shopping in Angra today - I responded, "Yes!"  That is where I am off to this a.m., after being greeted by Hita to clean here this morning.  When I went out back to feed the chickens, there was one of the 6 walking on the outside of the coupe.  Hita came, grabbed up the chicken, promptly clipped it's winged and dropped it back inside the coupe.  Impressive and having watched it, know I can do that too, if needed.

1 comment:

  1. Great stories-missed your blogs:)
    Cracked me up about clipping the c wings-don't know that I could do that! I can so picture Hita-please tell her hello!
    And write about your trip to Angra-hoping you find a couple of special places:)
